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After praying for a child for many years, a wealthy couple is finally blessed with a beautiful baby boy. To their surprise, they discover a cross-shaped birthmark on his chest, but they have no idea what extraordinary graces God will bestow on him.

As a young man, Rocco renounces his fortune and enters the Franciscan Third Order, choosing the life of a poor traveling pilgrim. He stops in towns to care for the sick, especially plague victims. His prayers and labors result in many miracles. Then one day, he catches the plague too, and the townsfolk force him to go away. With no one to care for him in his dire need, he staggers to a hut outside town and entrusts himself to God. And God does not disappoint him!

This beautifully illustrated children’s book follows the legends of Saint Rocco, including ones that explain how he became the patron saint of dogs!

The Legend of Saint Rocco and His Dog

  • 978-1734992984

©2019 by Silver Fire Publishing

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