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Her perfect husband would love Jesus above all and would love her because of her love for Jesus. He would be faithful and gentle and have a heart for others. So how did Caitlyn Summer end up marrying the bad boy who had gotten her best friend pregnant in high school and pushed her to have an abortion?

Unable to remember the past three years or understand why she would’ve moved so far from home, Caitlyn can’t believe she willingly married such an overprotective, bossy, and jealous man. In this emotionally-charged mystery romance, Caitlyn struggles to solve the mysteries of her amnesia and her marriage. Suspicious circumstances surrounding her husband tempt her to leave and start life over, but they also challenge her Christian faith and convictions. The arrival of her first love, her husband's younger brother, intent on helping her regain her memory, offers a glimmer of hope. Together they uncover secrets involving her coworkers and the local abortion clinic, but nothing to explain why she married this man. Who changed – him or her?

Anyone but Him

  • 9780997674743

©2019 by Silver Fire Publishing

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