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Armor of God

Based on the Scriptural Armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-17), this six-book fantasy-adventure chapter book series appeals to the universal and timeless quest for virtue and inner strength. The story themes and “Brother Coll’s Catechism Lessons,” weaved into each story, are perfect for children preparing for or who have recently made their First Confession and First Holy Communion. 

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Belt of Truth

Book #1 in the Armor of God children's chapter book series

George Pennington wants to be a knight! He bravely faces the fearsome head knight at the annual “tryouts,” hoping to be among the few accepted to Knight School for Boys and Girls. When he accidentally burns his mother’s cherished tapestry, is his chance at Knight School over? A lie seems like the best solution. As lying becomes easier for George, he discovers that students must earn the first piece of armor: The Belt of Truth.

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Breastplate of Righteousness

Book #2 in the Armor of God children's chapter book series

George Pennington needs to earn the next piece of armor!
He’s a student at the Knights School for Boys and Girls, and he’s already earned The Belt of Truth. Maybe one day he’ll actually become a knight! A storm is coming, and George’s friend Henry needs help. Henry accidentally made a hole in the roof, and they must repair it now! George’s father won’t let him go because of the weather, but his friend really needs him. What is George to do? He must make the right choice because he desperately wants the next piece of armor: The Breastplate of Righteousness.

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Boots of Peace

Book #3 in the Armor of God children's chapter book series

When Sir Lucian, the one-armed knight, says that few pages will receive the Boots of Peace, George Pennington and his friends work extra hard at peacemaking. While Robyn arranges help for a troubled family, George's little brother Erik struggles with Sir Michael's jousting lessons. George, however, can't stop thinking about the strange rock he once discovered in the knights' woods. He will stop at nothing to find out more about it, but he just might be missing a very important point about peace.

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Shield of Faith

Book #4 in the Armor of God children's chapter book series

While George and the other pages work hard at Knight School, learning how to earn the Shield of Faith, Robyn notices several knights have gone away. She suspects they've gone to investigate the dragon sightings. Before George and his friends can learn more, Sir Lucian invites George and his little brother, Erik, on a secret mission that answers questions George has been wondering ever since he first became a page. When George finds himself in a tight situation, he'd rather have a lantern than faith. He's not the only one facing a challenge. Each page--anxious to earn the Shield of Faith--is tested before the day is out.

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Helmet of Salvation

Book #5 in the Armor of God series

With the threat of dragons on everyone’s mind, George wants to help the knights at the outposts, while his friend Henry wants to collect dragon scales, even at the risk of being tossed out of Knight School. The same day Sir Lucian shares a mysterious object—hidden under a cape in the front of the classroom—dragons are spotted over Knight School for Boys and Girls. Needing reliable helpers, the knights give George a special task. Then George sees Henry sneaking off, and he wants to stop him, but the knights are counting on him. Pulled in so many directions, what’s a page to do? George barely has time to think about earning the next piece of armor: the Helmet of Salvation.

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Sword of the Spirit

Book #6 in the Armor of God series

Thanks to George, a handful of other pages, and the squires from Knight School, everyone from nearby villages remains safe in the underground shelters—or do they? George and friends bravely investigate a strange noise down a tunnel they’ve never explored before. They soon discover two knights have different plans for solving the dragon problem, and fear has caused some of the townsfolk to develop a plan of their own. The dragon threat is even greater now, as George and Robyn soon discover with an up-close encounter. How can the pages keep a courageous, peaceful spirit amidst such chaos, all while working to earn the Sword of the Spirit?

The battle within each of us goes on every day.  - Sword of the Spirit


"The Armor of God books delightfully teach children to love and strive after virtue, while entertaining them with interesting stories. I love how this final book in the series helps children to appreciate the Word of God and sparks their interest in learning Bible verses. The powerful lessons in this exciting story are needed by our children to help arm themselves against the enemy of their salvation." 

              - Sister Mary Roberta, Teacher

"Searching for a way to enhance your child’s catechism? Look no further than Theresa Linden’s brilliant Armor of God series. These chapter books make the perfect gift for any child, especially those about to receive their First Communion or Reconciliation. I wish these books had been around when my children were preparing for their Sacraments. The stories are not only engaging, but the added bible verses and sacramental lessons enhance the story, offering families further ways to discuss the virtues taught in catechism class."

              - Leslea Wahl, award-winning Catholic fiction author

"The young and young at heart alike will love the stories. The illustrations are fun. And The book leaves you desperate for the next in the series. An excellent first book in what looks like it will be another wonderful series from the masterful pen of Theresa Linden!"

              - Steven R. McEvoy at Book Reviews and More

"Linden weaves into the story salient points from the Catechism of the Catholic Church that instructs young adults about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Yet, Linden does it without making the reader feel like they are in a classroom. Instead, she shares the truths of the Catholic faith in an entertaining manner."

              - Virginia Lieto, author of Finding Patience


"I knew Theresa Linden could write for teens. I knew she could write for adults. I didn't know that she could write equally well for young children and illustrate as well! But, she knocks it out of the park with the first installment in the Armor of God series."

             - Carolyn Astfalk, author of Catholic teen fiction Rightfully Ours

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Sword of the Spirit won 1st place in the 2024 Catholic Media Awards for best self-published children's book. Helmet of Salvation won 2nd place for the cover artwork!

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